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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Do You Believe Change Is Possible?

"Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs." — Wayne W. Dyer

I often hear others using the expression "people never change" as a way of helping them accept someone else's resistance to change (or refusal to change in the way that the other person wants them to).

Now, not only is this a completely false adage (because our bodies are constantly changing),

And a lazy dismissal of HOW change actually happens (because it happens when THEY are ready for it, not when YOU tell them they "should" be ready for it),

It also reinforces the belief that YOU'LL never change.

Because, newsflash, YOU are "people" too.

And when you say things like "people never change" you are subconsciously reinforcing a belief that YOU can never change.

Your brain is ALWAYS listening.

And if you repeatedly say things like "people never change",

Your brain will filter through all the information around you to only show you evidence to support this thought (search "reticular activating system" to go deeper into the science of this).

Which puts your attention on the people who are stuck, who repeat the same mistakes over and over, the people who can never seem to get their sh*t together.

Rather than reinforcing the belief that people CAN and WILL change WHEN THEY ARE READY for change.

And if you do that, guess what?

Your brain will start filtering out information to show you evidence to support THIS thought.

Which puts your attention on the people who are growing, the ones who learn from their mistakes, the ones who are making waves in this world.

And I wonder which of these two group of people would be a greater source of inspiration and motivation for you...? 🤔

So, if you truly want to create deep, meaningful change in your life, you not only need to believe that it's possible for YOU,

👉 You need to believe that it is possible for others.

Your beliefs are what frame your thoughts and your actions.

So, if you want to change your life,

You'll need to change your beliefs.

And a great place to start is to BELIEVE in the collective potential for growth.

That people, including you, CAN change (if they want to).

🌟 And the holiday season is the perfect time to start cultivating this belief,

To put your attention on possibility and hope,

Rather than on futility and doubt.

And when you do this, you might just be surprised at how significantly your world will shift.

How will you choose to see the potential in yourself AND others today?


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