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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Clarifying Your Core Values Makes Building Healthy Habits Easier

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” — Mario Andretti

I didn't feel like writing today.

To be honest, I only really feel like writing every once in awhile.

Yet I still do it, once a week at minimum.

Is it because I'm a masochist? No.

It's because I've made a commitment, to myself and (whether you are aware of it or not) to you.

And because I understand that not feeling like doing something isn't reason enough to NOT do it.

I don't always feel like cooking healthy meals.

I don't always feel like working out.

I don't always feel like getting out of bed in the morning.

I don't always feel like walking Bella.

I don't always feel like being kind, generous or patient with my husband.

Yet I still do all of these things with consistency (though Alejandro might not fully agree with that last one 😜).

Why? Because they are all commitments that reflect my core values as a human. The values that I strive to live every day, regardless if I'm feeling motivated to do so or not.

And when you are clear about your values, making decisions and taking action in ways that align with those values is a whole lot easier.

Have you defined your personal values?

Three of mine are impact, integrity and tenacity.

And for each of these I have a corresponding motto.

Impact = Make a difference.

Integrity = Be impeccable with your word. (thanks to Don Miguel Ruiz for this one)

Tenacity = Do it anyway.

A bracelet I wear as a reminder to do the hard and uncomfortable things, even when I don't feel like it.

Having my values clearly defined allows me to use them, rather than fleeting emotions like motivation, as my filter for decision making.

Every time I don't really feel like doing something, I run it through the filter of my values. If it's something that is clearly a disconnect from what matters to me, it's an easy "No".

But if it's something that DOES align with my values and the person that I want to be, then it becomes easier for me to overcome the resistance of "not feeling like it" and to do it anyway, knowing that I will feel better and be happier once I have.

Because it feels really good to live in alignment with your values.

Writing to you every Wednesday is a commitment that I made to myself (and to my readers) over a year ago as reflection of my core value of Impact.

Honoring that commitment is a reflection of my core value of Integrity.

And persisting despite challenges (or lack of motivation) is a reflection of my core value of Tenacity.

I don't need to feel motivated every time I sit down to write.

But I do need to know WHY I'm writing in the first place.

Because without a clear connection between my core values and the habit of writing, then the chances of me staying consistent with that habit are slim.

The same goes for any habit YOU are trying to build.

If the habit doesn't connect to the bigger things YOU value in life, it probably won't last once your motivation fades (because it will).

Which is why getting clear about your core values is what I do at the very start of my 12-week Reset & Recharge program.

With this clarity, clients can take steps towards significant change that not only result in weight loss, but that are consistent with and support the overall vision and mission of their lives.

So if you are struggling with making habits stick, don't blame motivation.


  • Get clear about your values and how they reflect the type of person you want to become.

  • Find ways to keep your values top of mind (write them somewhere visible or use a piece of jewelry like my bracelet above).

  • Practice using your values, not emotions, as your filter for making decisions.

  • And make a commitment (to yourself, your partner, a friend, a coach) to honor your values to the best of your abilities each day (notice I didn't say anything about perfection here 😉).

Want some help clarifying your values? Curious about how to create habits that actually stick? Use this link, to schedule in a time to chat.


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