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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Choosing the Right Strategy for Your Health Goals

"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." — Voltaire

Can you believe it's September already?

That means there's only a third of the year left! 😮

How are you doing with the goals you set for yourself in 2022?

If your New Year's Resolution was to get in shape and you're still struggling to make exercise and healthy eating fit into your lifestyle,

Then chances are you're doing one or more of the following:

  • Trying to follow specific meal plans, macros or "rules based" diets like Whole 30 or Keto

  • Signing up for 30-day bootcamps, 75 Hard or other short term fitness challenges

  • Looking to your favorite gurus or social media influencers for what habits and routines you should have

  • Reading articles or listening to podcasts about the BEST exercise and nutrition strategies

...Am I right? Are you doing AT LEAST one of those things?

If so, then the reason you haven't been able to make exercise and healthy eating fit into your lifestyle is because,

👉 You keep choosing strategies that require you to dramatically CHANGE your current lifestyle in order for them to work...

...instead of choosing strategies that WORK WITH the lifestyle you currently have.

In the last 3 months my husband and I have already traveled 5 times, for anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks at a time. Because of this I've had to adapt my workouts and my eating habits.⁣ And I was able to do so without much friction because I have strategies that allow me to apply the principles of healthy living to any situation I find myself in.⁣ But a 10-day plank challenge or 7-day sugar detox won't teach you those kinds of strategies.⁣ They only give you short term, “best case scenario” strategies.⁣ Strategies that can a VERY specific context, time frame and environment.⁣ But have you ever tried the "no sugar strategy" on vacation...?⁣ It probably didn't work as well as it did when you were in your sterile kitchen surrounded by nothing but lemon water and baby spinach. 🙄⁣ Where most Struggling Dieters get stuck is that they only know strategies that work in these “best case scenarios”.⁣

⁣…but most of life isn’t a best case scenario. ⁣

There’s unexpected travel, work deadlines, sick family members…⁣ That’s why Thriving Wellness Warriors have strategies that allow them to make the BEST out of a WORST case scenario. So that they can stay consistent and successful, no matter what life throws their way. ⁣ In the THRIVE pillar of my Think, Love, Thrive Method I not only teach clients the principles of healthy living, but also strategies for HOW to apply them in any and all situations.⁣ So, if you’ve been struggling to make healthy habits fit your lifestyle, make sure the strategies you’re choosing to help you get there aren’t built on “best case scenarios” and instead are adaptable to YOU and YOUR lifestyle!⁣ Because the principles of healthy living can be applied anywhere and at anytime…if you have the right strategies.


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