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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Check It Out! New Stuff is Happening!

Hello friends,

If it’s been awhile, let me fill you in on some things.

Over the past 10+ years I’ve been helping people crush their health and fitness goals in the gym. Though it’s been an incredibly fun and gratifying journey, the road hasn’t always been so smooth.

Some clients were a breeze - immediately implementing all of my recommendations and getting amazing results, while with others it I felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall.

I couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Why were some clients “rock stars” and others “problem children”?

Maybe they needed to know more science? Macros, SAID principle, Supercompensation...Yeah!


Maybe they needed more exercise? Circuits, AMRAPs, Intervals..Yeah!


Maybe they needed to just stop being babies already!?!?

NOPE. (Well maybe just a little...kidding! ;P)

The more I searched for problems in my clients, the more I was met with frustrations, dead ends and a banged up forehead.

But then it hit me, the problem was not my clients, IT WAS ME.

I realized I couldn’t help people change UNTIL I CHANGED.

I needed to grow as a coach and as a person.

I embarked on a journey of personal and professional development that not only shifted my perspective on life, it shifted how I work with my clients.

This journey has led me to explore various mindfulness and meditation practices, examine my motivations and life values and go deeper into the science and skill of coaching.

It’s been humbling and challenging, but nevertheless an invaluable experience.

And since I’ve learned a thing or two along the way, I figured it was about time that I started sharing my knowledge on a larger scale.

My end game has always been to help people achieve the goals that they hold valuable. But working within the walls of the gym limits who I can reach.

So here I am, expanding my reach and hopefully helping a few more people in the process.

Each week I’ll be writing on a variety of health and wellness related topics - including mindset, nutrition tips, goal setting and exercise.

I also want to hear from YOU and the topics YOU want covered.

What are you working on? What are your challenges? And how can I help?

I aim to educate, inspire and support anyone who is looking to create change in their lives - whether fitness related or on a broader scale - and my next avenue of doing so is here, in this blog.

If you are still reading, Thank You.

If you are one of my “rock star” clients, Thank You.

If you are one of my “problem children”, Thank You.

If you are a friend, acquaintance or coworker, Thank You.

Regardless of where or when we’ve crossed paths, Thank You.

Thank you for being part of my journey.

I hope you’ll keep traveling with me.


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