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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Celebrate Your Wins for Long Term Success

“Some quit due to slow progress. Never grasping the fact that slow progress is progress.” — Jeff Olson

I only worked out twice this week.

I only did cardio this week.

I only lost 1lb.

Sound familiar? Or what about,

They're just being nice.

I had a lot of help.

It was just luck.

How often do you say these kinds of things to yourself?

How often do you downplay or outright dismiss your progress and accomplishments?

Many of us do it so often that we don’t even realize when it's happening.

And worse, we don't realize how much harm this type of language can cause.


When we diminish and dismiss our successes, we diminish and dismiss ourselves.

We deliver the message that our actions aren't good enough, that our results aren't good enough, that WE aren't good enough.


Slow progress is progress.

A little better is better.

A small accomplishment is an accomplishment.

OWN THAT SH!T. Stop diminishing your success and start celebrating your wins.

So often we choose to listen to the critical voice in our head that says things like

"If it's not perfect, it doesn't count" or "that's not worth bragging about".

We get sucked into the "not enough" culture and the comparison trap, constantly weighing our accomplishments against those of others.

Or we reach a goal and immediately switch our focus to the next one without appreciating our hard work and good fortune.

But if you continue to play the "not enough" game, you will never win.

There will always be someone who:

➡ Works harder than you.

➡ Earns more money than you.

➡ Has a better body than you.

Everyone else doesn't need to lose in order for you to see yourself as a winner.

You become a winner when you stop focusing on what's missing and start expressing gratitude for what actually exists.

When you recognize your progress and celebrate your accomplishments you build your sense of personal success.

This sense of personal success reinforces the belief that you can achieve your goals.

And when you reflect on all of the difficult things you've already achieved, accomplishing new goals seems a little bit easier.

What we focus on grows.

If you want to be successful, focus on all your amazing accomplishments and re-frame your challenges to reflect growth rather than failure.

I only did 1 push-up 👉 I DID A FULL PUSH UP! 🎉 I'm just jumping rope for 20 second intervals 👉 I'm learning how to jump rope and I'm enjoying the challenge. I didn't lift as much weight as her 👉 I'm really inspired by the strong women I have around me.

Gratitude and reflection are both powerful catalysts for success but are often forgotten about in our "more! more! more! go! go! go!" world.

So I encourage you to take some time this week to stop and express gratitude for what you have and to acknowledge all that you've done.

And I encourage you to do so by making a "100 wins" list.

👇 Click on the image below to access the editable PDF 👇

When the going gets tough, winners recall past wins and losers recall past losses. Winners remind themselves of their strengths and losers remind themselves of their weaknesses. We all have a track record of accomplishments even if we have failed to recognize them or have completely forgotten about them.

Take some time to look back and recall the wins in your life.

These don’t have to be Nobel Prize type wins or developing a cure for cancer.

Did you pass your driving test? That's a win.

Did you finish reading the book you started 3 years ago? That's a win. Did you exercise today? That's a win. Did you eat a salad this week? That's a win. Did you learn how to knit a scarf? That's a win.

Whatever wins you come up with, they are something to be proud of.

YOU did these things!

They are important and worthy of recognition.

Continuing to downplay or minimize your success devalues not only your accomplishments but you as well.

But, when you choose to celebrate your wins, no matter how small, you also choose to acknowledge your strength, capability and worthiness.

You ARE a winner.

Go celebrate.


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