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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Being Healthy Doesn't Need to Be Complicated

"No problem is so complicated that you cannot make it more complicated." — Andy Grove

Last night, during a group coaching call, a client was sharing how stressful work has been lately and how she sometimes struggles to manage the emotions of anxiety and overwhelm that show up for her in the evenings.

She commented on how meditation was helpful in the past, but that she "is bad at it now".


So you're telling me that when your mind is racing with uncomfortable thoughts and your body feels incredibly tense, it's challenging for you to 1) sit in silence and 2) NOT think those thoughts...?

That's...shocking. (sarcasm intended)

But who said meditation HAS TO look like that?

Or that meditation HAS TO be the solution?

Who said that is HAS TO BE HARD?

So often we get stuck because we are trying to FORCE ourselves to do the "best" or "right" thing...

And that thing is normally something that feels hard to do (otherwise we'd already be doing it...right?)

But what if it didn't need to be so difficult?

What if it were easy?

What if, instead of trying to force yourself to do a seated meditation, you just took 5 deep breaths?

What if, instead trying to force yourself to meal prep for 3 hours on Sunday, you just added a serving of vegetables to your lunch?

What if, instead of trying to force yourself to get up at 5am so you can create an IG worthy morning routine, you just went to bed 15 minutes earlier?

What if, instead of trying to force yourself to go for a run after an incredibly exhausting workday, you just took an extra 500 steps?

What if, you let go of the idea that it always has to be so hard?

This week, if you find yourself struggling to "do the thing",

Instead of shaming yourself for being "weak" or "lazy" or "bad"...

Ask yourself, "How can I make this easy?"


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