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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Back-up Plans Are the Key to Weight Loss Success

“We learn the most when things go wrong.” — Simon Sinek

On Sunday I went to Jersey City to have my hair done.

My hairdresser is also my old roommate. We haven't seen each other for a few months and he recently opened his own salon and moved into a new apartment, so there was a lot for us to catch up on.

We planned to grab brunch after doing my hair, so I had a very light breakfast (just a simple protein shake) to hold me over.

But, what was supposed to take about 3 hours ended up taking almost 6 hours. 😫

➡ He needed to run an errand before we got started on my hair.

➡ We got stuck in traffic for over an hour on our way back from the salon.

➡ His dog threw up in the car.

By the time all was said and done, I didn't have time to stay and grab food together.

I headed to the Path train around 5pm...and I was HANGRY (as is clearly evident in my text exchange with Alejandro 😂).

Hangry = bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.

I'm sure you've experienced this at one point or another...where something didn't happen as you thought it would and left you going many hours without food.

And for most dieters being HANGRY doesn't lead to the best decision making or to being the best dinner date...

However it IS possible to still make decisions that align with your goals IF you plan for these moments in advance.

Except most dieters make the mistake of only creating a plan A and then assuming that nothing will get in the way of carrying out that plan. 🙄

But, as I'm sure you've experienced...things WILL get in the way.

👉 Your flight will get delayed.

👉 Your work meeting will go longer than anticipated.

👉 Your friend's dog will throw up in the car.

So if you want to be a woman who is successful with losing weight AND keeping it off, you'll need to get really good at not only making plans, but also making back-up plans.

Which is why Pillar #3 in my 4 Pillar Weight Loss Method is all about strategy and planning.

And "go-to" meal options for these HANGRY moments is one plan that clients create inside my 12-week Reset and Recharge program.

One of my "go-to" meals is a wrap from a local restaurant called Pick & Eat.

Now it definitely isn't my favorite restaurant (and, as you can tell based on his response, it isn't Alejandro's either) BUT it's convenient and healthy-ish.

And I always feel much better after making that choice than if I had let my Hangry-ness influence my decision making.

So even though things didn't go according to plan on Sunday, they didn't end up going off the rails because I had a back up plan.

And the next time I go to Jersey City to get my hair done I'll prepare differently. I'll eat a bigger breakfast and I'll bring a snack.

Having a plan is essential for weight loss success. But it will only work in your favor if you ALSO plan for obstacles AND make adjustments as you learn from "failed" plans.

Want to learn more about how to plan for weight loss success?

Then check out this LIVE training on how to have a social life this summer without ruining your weight loss progress.


And if you want to learn more about my 4 Pillar Weight Loss Method that I use inside my 12-week Reset and Recharge program, then book in a call HERE.


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