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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are You on Track to Hit Your Goals? If Not, Here’s How to Course Correct.

"Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction." — Kenichi Ohmae

Like it or not, we are already halfway through 2023. So...let's do a check in. If you set a goal for the year, is the progress you've made so far what you expected? If you chose a "word of the year", have you been embodying it as you hoped to? If you said to yourself that you wanted to do more or less of something, have you stayed true to that desire? IF SO, take a moment to celebrate the fact that you kept your word to yourself and did the thing you said you were going to do. 🙌 IF NOT, take a moment to reflect and get honest with yourself about what's gotten in your way. 🤔

Maybe you set a goal that wasn't really all that meaningful, so you didn't feel a strong desire to take action towards it.

Maybe the goal you set was too big of a stretch, so it overwhelmed you rather than motivated you.

Whatever that reason is (and there IS a reason), uncovering it is the first step towards redirecting your focus towards that goal (or a new, more meaningful goal).

Because once you identify what has been getting in your way, you can create a new plan that takes those obstacles into consideration.

And once you have a well-thought-out plan, you can start taking intentional action (not to be confused with "busy-work").

So, here's your friendly reminder that no, you aren't "behind" BUT yes, your time on this earth is limited.

Have you been spending it in a way the reflects what you really care about?

If not, when are you going to do something about that?


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