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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are You On Track?

"We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience." — John Dewey

Can you believe we’re already halfway through 2024? It’s wild how fast time flies, right? 


So...let's do a mid-year check in.


Now, you might be thinking, “I don’t want to think about my resolutions or the goals I've set (and have maybe totally forgotten about).” 


And I get it—it's so much easier to love the beginning of the goal-setting process (and all the hope and excitement that goes along with it) than it is to love the middle.


Because the middle can be uncomfortable, challenging and messy.


But trust me, this mid-year reflection can be a game-changer.


Why? Because right now, you still have enough time and power to change the trajectory of your year. 


By facing where you are with radical honesty, you can make adjustments that lead to real, lasting progress.


Inside of my Empowered Eating Blueprint program we use the following structure for checking in on progress.


  1. Assess

  2. Celebrate or Reflect

  3. Identify

  4. Plan

  5. Implement


Follow along as I walk you through each step to reflect on your year so far.


Assess Your Progress:


  • If you set a goal for the year, is your progress what you expected?

  • If you chose a "word of the year", are you embodying it as you hoped?

  • If you aimed to do more or less of something, have you stuck to that intention?

Celebrate or Reflect:


  • If you’re on track, celebrate! 🎉 Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts. You’ve honored your commitments to yourself, and that’s huge.

  • If you’re not on track, reflect honestly. 🤔 WHY do you think you haven't made the progress you wanted? Maybe your goal wasn’t truly meaningful, felt too overwhelming, or you struggled with motivation to get back on track after a setback.  

Identify Obstacles:


  • What were your biggest obstacles? Was it poor time management? Trying to change too much at once? Not having a clear plan? Lack of support? Stress?

  • Understanding what’s been getting in your way is crucial. Once you know the barriers, you can create a plan that addresses them specifically (instead of attempting to follow the same generic plan over and over again).




  • What do you want to accomplish in the next 6 months?

  • What are all the steps you will need to take?

  • Based on the obstacles you've identified, what will you need to do to stay on track?

  • When and how will you measure your progress?




  • Break your plan down into small steps that you can take each week.

  • Put these steps into action by creating weekly implementation intentions using this format: 


  • Specifics:

  • NUMBER of times per week and/or specific DAYS of the week you will complete this action

  • WHEN you will complete this action (time of day or before/after another action)

  • WHERE you will complete this action

  • How you will TRACK this action

  • Examples of implementation intentions:

  • I will eat one serving of vegetables at lunch at least 5 days this week. I will keep track of my progress in my food journal.

  • I will read for 10 minutes before bed on Tuesday and Thursday. I will keep track of my progress in my habit tracker. 

  • I will walk for at least 10 minutes after dinner Monday-Friday. I will keep track of my progress in my calendar.


And then...


Follow this same process over and over again. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.


Because the more you check-in on what's working and what isn't,


The more opportunities you give yourself to course correct, to learn from mistakes, to improve your strategy and to get more support.


Speaking of support...


If you aren't happy with the progress you've made so far this year,


And you want to be able to look back on 2024 feeling proud of yourself for finally following through on your goals and making a consistent effort toward the things that are important to you,

Book in a call here to see how coaching can help you end this year differently than the trajectory you're currently on.


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