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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are You in the Habit of Breaking Promises to Yourself?

"Personal integrity is important, not because it gets us what we want, but because it helps us be what we want." — Michael Josephson

Many struggling dieters daydream about how good it will feel once they finally reach their goal weight or fit into that old pair of jeans. And while achieving a big goal definitely does feel good, there's something I'd argue feels even better...

The moment you catch yourself behaving in a way that proves you are changing (or have changed) on a fundamental level.

Like when you find yourself enjoying a scoop of ice cream without doing mental calculus to determine how many calories you'll need to "burn off" the next day. Or when you notice a self-deprecating thought pop up, but you don't engage with it or let it pull you into a negative spiral. Or...when you workout at 8:30pm on a Sunday because you committed to yourself that you were going to workout that day. (It's me. 🙋‍♀️ I did that one.) As someone who struggled for years to maintain self-integrity, Keeping my word to myself, especially when I don't really feel like it, is the ultimate feel good event. And I imagine it would be for you too. Because if you do not currently have... The relationship, The job, The body, The fitness level, The money, That you want, Then chances are the biggest reason why you don't is because you haven't been keeping your word to yourself. You haven't been doing the things you say you're going to do do in order make those WANTS into HAVES. Now I don't say this to make you feel bad about yourself. I say it to remind you that breaking your promises to yourself is a habit that YOU can learn how to break. You can become self-integral. Imagine that for just a moment.

What would be different in your life if you always kept your promises to yourself?

What if you kept your promises even just 20 or 30% more than you do now? Can you see how much would change, if you followed through on what you say you're going to do just a little more often? Can you imagine how good that would feel? To finally BE the woman who does the things for herself that she says she's going to do...? That feeling is powerful. Because BEing the kind of a woman who keeps her promises to herself is THE thing that makes achieving all of your goals a possibility.


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