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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are You in a Healthy Relationship With Yourself?

"Your relationship with yourself is the foundation for everything in your life." — Mel Robbins

If you've been receiving these weekly emails for some time now,


Then you may have noticed that I don't spend a lot of time talking about the nitty gritty of healthy habits, like how many grams of protein to eat in a day or how to train for a 5k.


And it's not because I think that information isn't valuable...


It's because I KNOW,


After over 15 years of working with clients from all kinds of backgrounds, both in person and online, 1-1 and in groups,


That none of that stuff really matters,


IF you aren't able to take that information and APPLY it to your own life.


And for the majority of the women I work with,


The thing that keeps them from being able to apply the stuff that they already know,


Isn't lack of time, or discipline, or motivation.


It isn't because they love food too much or "have a sweet tooth".


It's because they have spent the bulk of their lives neglecting the relationship they have with themselves.


They've put everyone else's needs before their own.


They've ignored their emotions and their deeper desires. 


They've put on a smile and "powered through".


And they've created stories, SO MANY STORIES,


About who they should and shouldn't be, what they should and shouldn't do, and how they should and shouldn't feel,


That they've lost sight of who they are, who they want to be and what is truly important to them.


So yes, I could write about how to add more protein to your diet,


But I want to write about how to add more awareness, authenticity and agency to your life.


So that you can rekindle the relationship you have with yourself.


Because when you are in a kind, honest and supportive relationship with yourself,


Applying the nitty gritty stuff becomes pretty simple.


So, with the New Year right around the corner,


I invite you to spend some time reflecting on the relationship you have with yourself.


And the changes you can make in 2024 to improve it.






I'll be taking a two week break from my weekly Wednesday Wisdom emails (returning Jan 3rd), to focus more of my time and energy on the relationships that are important to me. 

In the meantime, I may pop into your inbox with quick updates on some end of year events and offerings,


And I'll still be available (though a little slower to respond) via email should you have a question or need some support.


Sending best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy, healthy and joyous holiday season!





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