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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are You Holding Yourself Back From the Life You Deserve?

"Decide today that you are going to live out loud." — Iyanla Vanzant

As I mentioned in my email yesterday, last week I was at a business event in LA. On the first day I volunteered to be coached in front of the group. My mentor (who was doing the coaching) asked me to describe how I help people in order to provide some clarity for those in attendance who didn't already know me. I said, "I have a weight loss program". "No." He interjected. "It's not a weight loss program. It's so much more than that and you know it". I laughed. "You're right. It is." He asked, "Why do women come to you for help? What are they struggling with?" "They're unhappy. They're tired of putting everyone else's needs before their own. They want to put themselves out there more, To stand up for themselves, To assert their boundaries, To be unapologetic about what they want and what they need. They want to feel comfortable being seen and taking up space. They want to stop hiding." "So then" he asked, "what do you REALLY give the women you work with? Because it's not just weight loss."

"I give them their power back."

As this exchange was happening, I could see nodding from all the women in the room. I could hear, "YES, this is me! YES, I can relate!". He asked, "if 1 million women were to go through your program, what would that give to the world?" I started to cry. Not out of sadness, but because the thought of having that kind of impact made my heart burst. Because helping women regain their personal power creates a world full of strong, healthy and emotionally available role models — the kind that I wish I had as a child. It puts an end to a cycle of suffering. It allows women to come out of hiding and step into the front row of their lives.

Without apology. Without guilt. Without shame.

Sharing my message in front of the group solidified the power of what I am doing in a way that hadn't happened before. Now, will I ever really impact 1 million women? Who knows.

But if I didn't try, I would just be doing the same hiding, the same holding back, the same doubting of my value that I coach women out of.

And I won't settle for that. I want more for myself. And I think you want more for yourself too. On Monday, during an enrollment call for my ‘Reset & Recharge’ program, the woman I was speaking to said that "her world had become so small". That, if things didn't change, "it would just get smaller and smaller" and that she would "feel like a prisoner in her body". And I know from having many similar conversations that she isn't the only one feeling this way. But you don't have to hide. You don't have to settle for less than what you deserve, for less than what you are worth.

You can live your life out in the open, with confidence, joy and pride.

And I'd love nothing more than to help you do that.

Today is the LAST DAY to schedule in a call to see if my ‘Reset & Recharge’ program is the right fit for you.

As my mentor said, it's much more than just a weight loss program. So if you're looking for someone to just give you a meal plan and exercise routine, this isn't it. But if you want MORE for yourself and your life. If you want to step into the most powerful version of yourself, Book in a call HERE,


I WILL NOT open enrollment for this program again until 2022. So if you are ready to stop holding yourself back, stop playing small and instead start living your life OUT LOUD, then book in a call today.


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