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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are You Holding Yourself Back From Growth?

"Tend your own garden: savor the blossoms, trim the weeds." — Ron Kaufman

The other day I went to Home Depot to help my mom pick out paint for her new home gym.

While we were there I got juuuuust a little side tracked and ended up coming home with a cart full of indoor plants. 🙈

In our NYC apartment space was limited (especially space that got decent sunlight), but now we have lots of sunny spots for these guys to thrive in.

...all I have to do is make sure the conditions are right.

✅ Sunlight.

✅ Water.

✅ Nutrient rich soil.

If those needs are met, the plants will grow.

They can't STOP themselves from growing.

They can't self-sabotage.

They can't get in their own way.

...unlike us humans.

"We are the only species on earth capable of preventing our own flowering."

I heard the above David Whyte quote while attending a workshop last week and it got me thinking about the many ways we keep ourselves from "flowering". The ways we play small, settle for less and hide from our own greatness. But a flower isn't afraid to grow tall. To stand up straight. To reach towards the light.

Flowers aren't afraid of being seen. Often we hold ourselves back from really going after what we want for our lives because of feelings shame, guilt and low self-worth.

We say to ourselves, I can't say/do/ask for that. I don't want to ruffle any feathers. What would people think of me? And underneath those thoughts is often the belief that,

I don't deserve to have the life I really want.

But YOU DESERVE TO THRIVE. You deserve to be brilliant, gorgeous and fabulous. You deserve to take up space. And to bloom for all the world to see. The sun is shining for YOU. Are you reaching towards it?

Or are you preventing your own flowering?


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