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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are You a Woman Who's Barely Surviving?

"Self-care is how you take your power back." — Lalah Delia

I've been working in the health and wellness space for over 15 years, and let me tell you...

After that amount of time, you start to see trends.

And I've noticed that there are five main problems that all Barely Surviving Women have...

Now, if you have one or more of the following problems, don’t feel bad! There’s an important reason why they are coming up for you (and don't worry, there is a solution too!).

Here we go...🥁

Do any of these sound like you...?

Problem #1 You haven’t worked out consistently in over a month because you just can’t find the motivation, even though you know that exercise will help you feel better...

Problem #2 You have said "yes" to at least one commitment within the past two weeks that you didn't really want to do because you felt like you had no other choice...

Problem #3 You skip breakfast or lunch at least 3 times a week because you don’t have time to sit down to eat, and then you find yourself having snack binges in the evenings...

Problem #4 You haven’t taken a full weekend off from work in the past 3 months unless it was part of a planned vacation, and even if you did have a weekend free you would end up just zoning out on the couch because you'd be too exhausted to do anything else...

Problem #5

The last time someone asked you what you do for fun you couldn't answer them because, don't know anymore 🤷‍♀️...

And ultimately all you really want is to have the time, energy and mental space to do something for YOU on a regular that you can feel vibrant, healthy and in control of your own life.

So, are you experiencing 1 or more of these problems?

If so, it's OK!

Like I said, there is a reason these problems are happening and I know how to help you fix them.

Send me an email to let me know which problem(s) you're experiencing right now and I'll help you get to the bottom of why it's happening!


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