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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Are Hidden Rules Keeping You Stuck?

“If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere.” — Marilyn Monroe

After my husband and I got back from clearing out our storage unit in Nashville (more on that story here in case you missed it), our bedroom was a total disaster.

Furniture got rearranged. Boxes were everywhere.

And...I couldn't find my pajamas.

After a few fruitless minutes of searching, I decided I would just wear something else to bed.

Which is when I caught myself in "black or white" style thinking.

You see, I have "daytime" T-shirts and "bedtime" T-shirts.

And I noticed myself thinking that "you can't wear a daytime T-shirt to bed" because "it's not meant for that".

Believe me, I know how ridiculous that thought is.

But we ALL have arbitrary 'rules' like this one...

Some of them are fairly harmless (like what kind of T-shirt is acceptable to sleep in),

While others keep us stuck.

The challenge is that most of these 'rules' are running on autopilot and we aren't even aware they exist.

I never once made a conscious decision or created a set criteria for what constitutes a "bedtime" T-shirt, however when I tried to wear something different than my normal,

It just felt...wrong.

Like I wasn't "supposed to" do that.

And these kinds of autopilot rules are what keep most well intentioned women stuck in the cycle of yo-yo dieting.

➡️ Rules about WHAT, WHEN and HOW MUCH they can or can't eat.

➡️ Rules about what they are ALLOWED to want, say or do.

➡️ Rules about what their BODY should look like.

➡️ Rules about WHO they can be.

Some of these rules were explicitly communicated to them their via their family, friends, partners or coaches.

Some they've absorbed after a lifetime of diet culture messaging.

And some they adopted from the cesspool of online wellness influencers.

But most of them NEVER get questioned.

And until you stop and examine these rules,

They will continue to RULE your life.

So the next time you catch yourself thinking that you "can't" or "shouldn't" or are "not allowed" to eat/say/do/want something...

Stop and ask yourself,


Get curious about where that rule came from.

And whether or not it serves you to continue following it,

OR, if it's keeping you stuck.

Because, if it's the latter...

Maybe it's time to start breaking the rules?

And if YOU are ready to break free from the rigid rules of dieting...

Then make sure to,⁣⁣

👉 Join me on Thursday, September 21st at 6:30pm EST for a special LIVE Masterclass on,

The Secret to Making Healthy Eating Habits Stick WITHOUT Discipline, Willpower or the Drama of Dieting

⁣⁣ In this FREE interactive session we'll cover:⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✅ The truth about discipline and willpower and why they are NOT the key to changing your eating habits.⁣⁣⁣ ✅ The real reason diets set you up for failure and the switch you'll need to make if you want to get results that last.⁣⁣⁣ ✅ A powerful mindset shift that will completely transform the way you think about healthy eating.⁣⁣⁣ ✅ My exact 5-step system that my clients use to reach their healthy weight goals WITHOUT dieting.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ...and more! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 👉 Click the HERE to claim your FREE seat to this live Masterclass event.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ (Can't make it live? No worries! Everyone who registers will receive access to the recording.) ⁣⁣ I'll see you there! ⁣⁣⁣



Diet rules do more harm than good.

There's a better way to reach your goals and I'm going to show you how in a live virtual Masterclass event.


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