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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

41 Words of Wisdom on My 41st Birthday

"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." — Lucille Ball

Today is my 41st birthday! 💃🎂

I've come across a few "X lessons I've learned over X years" kind of posts recently and thought it would be fun to make one myself.


As it turns out, this gets more challenging as your number of years increases 😂...but I still got it done!

Here are 41 "words of wisdom" from myself to you, in no particular order.


  1. Make time to play everyday.

  2. You can love yourself while also not loving some aspects of yourself.

  3. You will always feel better after a walk outside, even if it's cold.

  4. No matter what you do, people will judge you. So work on caring less about what other people think and more about being your authentic self.

  5. Getting sufficient quality sleep is the best "hack" for health and longevity.

  6. Move your body in a lot of different ways, even if it feels silly.

  7. You will never regret having one less drink.

  8. Managing your emotions isn't the same as suppressing them.

  9. Lift heavy but drop the ego. You can push yourself without breaking yourself.

  10. Sometimes the most self loving act is to call yourself out on your own BS.

  11. Separate the data from the drama. Learn to be objective when assessing your performance.

  12. Everyone needs a coach (especially if you struggle with #11).

  13. You are capable of doing more AND it's ok to choose to do less.

  14. Learning to separate facts from thoughts is one of the most powerful mental skills you can develop.

  15. Life is better with a dog (or two).

  16. We could all benefit from spending more time just "being" and less time "doing".

  17. Things are rarely ever black and white. You always have other options available to you.

  18. Make it your top priority to never break a promise...especially if it's one you've made to yourself.

  19. There is no "right time", so you might as well just start now.

  20. You're allowed to change your mind.

  21. Some days are just harder than others.

  22. Own your "yes" and your "no". Be selective with your commitments and firm with your boundaries.

  23. You need to get uncomfortable if you want to grow.

  24. Get curious instead of getting critical.

  25. You are probably making things more complicated than they need to be.

  26. Don't let what you could have done prevent you from doing what you can do.

  27. Vegetables are actually delicious if you learn how to prepare them well.

  28. Keep your body durable so that life stays doable.

  29. There's lots of good advice from smart people that isn't good advice for you.

  30. Everything has a tradeoff, so know your values and stick to them.

  31. You can always choose kindness.

  32. The only way to be great at something is to be bad at it first.

  33. You have so much to be grateful for, reflect on that daily. 

  34. You aren't "old" until you stop trying new things.

  35. The goal provides the direction, the process provides the reward.

  36. Every decision you make is an opportunity to become the best version of yourself. 

  37. Food can be a source of pleasure, comfort and connection. It becomes a problem when it's your only source of those things.

  38. Everyone should have at least one "go-to" karaoke song.

  39. Give more compliments (especially to strangers).

  40. Eat more protein.

  41. Change is hard, but it's easier with support.




Maybe next year I'll share 42 cute pics of my dogs instead...😜


I'd love to know which of these "words of wisdom" you needed to hear today! 


Shoot me an email and let me know!


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