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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

3 Tips for Staying on Track With Your Weight Loss Goals

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it." — Ziad K. Abdelnour

Yesterday, while on a coaching call, my client Holly shared that she has been struggling with motivation lately.

She said that she was feeling very "blah" and not excited about doing much of anything.

Based on recent conversations with other clients, I know that she is not alone in feeling this way.

Politics, public health, the economy...

There's a lot on everyone's mind and it doesn't look like things will lighten up anytime soon.

So, what can we do to stay on track with our goals when our energy and motivation seem to continuously wane? 🤔

Here are 3 tips for getting back on track after the initial charge of "New Goal Excitement" wears off.

1) Revisit the "Big Why" behind your goal

Holly's goal is to lose body fat and get leaner before the end of the year.

Now, weight loss is a great goal and all, but for most people it isn't the REAL goal.

They don't want to lose weight simply to be living in a smaller body.

They want to lose weight SO THAT they can:

✅ Have more energy

✅ Improve their health

✅ Improve their self confidence

✅ Be a role model for their children

✅ Be around in the future to take care of their family

✅ Feel stronger

✅ Feel accomplished

✅ Be proud of themselves

They don't want to just "lose weight".

They want something bigger and they see weight loss as a key component to getting there.

Focusing purely on weight loss usually isn't a strong enough motivator to consistently take action towards your goal, especially when the going gets tough.

But reminding yourself of the REAL reason you are doing this helps you continue to take action, even you if don't always feel like it (because you definitely won't always feel like it).

For Holly, the REAL reason she wants to lose body fat is that she wants to do something that is just for her.

Not for her parents. Not for her bosses. Not for her friends. Not for a boyfriend.

Just her.

She wants the feelings of pride and accomplishment that come from completing a goal that isn't "easy", the satisfaction that comes from doing something difficult, something that not everyone can do.

Tapping into that feeling helped reignite her motivation towards this goal and made it feel much bigger than simply wanting to fit into her old skinny jeans.

2) Reframe your obstacles

Speaking of doing hard things, an obstacle that was coming up for Holly was that her strength training program felt like such a hard thing to do at the end of a stressful workday.

She often found herself skipping it and doing a yoga class instead.

Now, let me be clear, there is nothing "wrong" or "bad" about this decision.

However, Holly's goals are to get lean, reduce her body fat and increase her muscle mass and on it's own isn't the most efficient path for getting there.

Regular strength training is.

By revisiting her "Big Why" we identified that one of her biggest motivations to lose body fat is to feel the accomplishment of doing something hard.

Realizing this gave her an opportunity to reframe the perceived obstacle of,

👎 "I don't want to strength train because it feels hard right now",

into an incentive to keep going.

💪 "Strength training feels hard right now...and that's why I WANT to do it".

We reflected on other "hard stuff" she has done in her life and the joy and satisfaction that has come from doing those things.

She acknowledged that not only does she enjoy being challenged, but that she actually seeks it out (in her career, in her personal development and in her relationships).

She created a mantra to continue to remind herself that she can do hard things, that she has done many hard things already and that those are the things that have created growth, success and happiness in her life so far.

3) Ask for help

Obviously, Holly has already taken this step as she is working with me.

But, during this conversation she asked if I have been or have ever struggled with similar feelings, dips in motivation, or lack of direction, to which I replied an emphatic YES.

And when that happens,


When I wanted to improve my Spanish, I hired a tutor.

When I wanted to get serious about boxing, I hired a trainer.

When I was unclear about where I wanted to take my business, I hired a coach.

When I wanted to learn more about ____ (nutrition/exercise/coaching/meditation etc...), I enrolled in a course.

I have never been fool enough to think that I can "do it all" on my own.

And neither should you.

➡ If you are struggling to take consistent action towards your goals...

➡ If you are confused by the endless contradictory nutrition and fitness advice on the internet...

➡ If you want to reignite your motivation, discover your "Big Why" and lose weight in the process...

Then let's have a chat to see if my 12 week 'Reset and Recharge' program is the right fit for you.

By utilizing small, manageable tweaks to your ✅ nutrition, ✅ exercise and ✅ mindset you can expect to lose 12-20lbs over the course of 12 weeks. Without counting calories, hours of cardio or giving up your favorite foods. Just simple mindset shifts, nutrition habits and exercise routines that can be done from the comfort of your living room.

Want to know more?

👉 Check out the details here, book in a quick chat.

But don't wait! I'm only taking on 5 new clients this round and 2 of those spots are already full.

Enrollment closes this Sunday 10/18 at midnight and won't open again until the new year.

You don't have to figure it all out on your own.

I hope you'll join me.


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