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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

3 Obstacles that Stop You From Reaching Your Goals

"He who is not every day conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you're reading this blog post, then chances are you have some interest in making improvements to your health and your life.

But there's a big difference between being interested in something and being committed to it.

So, what STOPS you from being committed?

From fully investing in yourself?

From showing up each day with the intention of doing better than you did the day before?

Until you know exactly what does, can you really expect things to change for you?

I say no. Because to truly move forward in life, we must first understand what's getting in our way.

And in my experience, I’ve identified 3 MAIN OBSTACLES:

  1. Doubt

  2. Reasons

  3. Circumstances

Let’s dive a little deeper into each of these, shall we? See if you can pinpoint the “culprit” in your life.

1) Doubt...

Doubt can take on various forms, but at its core, it's a form of fear. Fear of our ability to succeed, fear of an undesirable outcome in the future and fear of our inability to cope with anticipated future events.

"What if I can't do it? What if I can't change? What will people think of me if I fail at this AGAIN?"

"What if it doesn't work? What if I do everything right and still end up with no progress to show for it?"

2) Reasons...

While doubt operates on an emotional level, reasons are often seen through a logical lens. These are the unquestioned beliefs and barriers we perceive to be in our's what we accept as "just the way things are". And if you look for reasons why NOT to move forward, you will find them.

“Now just isn't the right time, I'm too busy."

"There's no point, I just have bad genes."

3) Circumstances...

Lastly, we face the unique circumstances of our current environment. Interestingly, many of these circumstances are the result of our past choices and actions. However, we often perceive our current situations as fixed and unchangeable.

“I don’t have the money.”

"I don't have a support network, a clear plan, or the right tools."


So, there you have it, the 3 major culprits that STOP you from committing to improving your health and your life: Doubt, Reasons and Circumstances.

Except that...

None of these are truly what's stopping you. Not even remotely.

Because, let's be honest...

Every successful woman, in any endeavor, has faced DOUBT, has had "legit" REASONS to not take action and has dealt with unique CIRCUMSTANCES that presented their own challenges.

Yet, they've still forged ahead and achieved their goals.

Why is that?

Because it’s not the doubt, the reasons or the circumstances that stop us…it’s what comes after that, what I call:

The Turning Point.

The Turning Point is how you RESPOND to doubt, reasons and circumstances.

It's that decisive moment when you choose whether to give your power away to these factors OR to empower yourself to move forward in spite of them.


It's not the fear of failure that stops you. It's the choice to let that fear hold you back that stops you.

It's not "bad timing" that stops you. It's the choice to delay because the timing isn't ideal that stops you.

It's not the lack of time, money, or resources that stops you. It's the choice to NOT take action due to these perceived limitations that stops you.

The Turning Point is what you DO with your doubt, reasons and circumstances.

It's that moment when you get to choose...

What are you giving your POWER to?

Will you let your obstacles determine your future? Or will you use them as an invitation to take the reins and rise to the challenge?

So, what's really holding you back?

Absolutely nothing.

And once you recognize this truth, you'll feel empowered and unstoppable throughout every step you take on your health and wellness journey.

What are you choosing to give your power to today?



If you're ready to face these obstacles head on and powerfully pursue your health and wellness goals,

Then make sure to get on the waitlist for my brand new 6-week group coaching program "The Empowered Eating Blueprint" which will be launching on September 18th.

Since this is the first time I'm running this program, I'm offering it at a ridiculously low price but THERE WILL ONLY BE 5 SPOTS available to the public.

Putting your name on the waitlist isn't a commitment to join but it does mean that you'll get first dibs once enrollment opens so that you can claim your spot before they fill up.

Join the waitlist HERE.


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