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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

ALL Diets Work...Until They Don't

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." — Albert Einstein

It always makes me giggle when I hear a woman say,

"X [fad diet] has always worked for me in the past, so I'm going to do that again."


If it "worked for you in the past" then you wouldn't need to do it AGAIN, right?

What's extra frustrating about hearing a well intentioned woman say something like this is that they usually think they weren't able to keep the weight off after a "successful" diet because,

  • They don't have enough discipline

  • Their life is too crazy

  • They just love food too much

  • Their work schedule is too demanding

  • They don't have the time to keep up with it

  • Etc, etc

Now, I'm not saying that the above factors won't impact your success HOWEVER,

The REAL reason you aren't able to keep the weight off after a "successful" diet, is because,

❌ That's NOT the purpose of a diet.

A diet is simply an eating strategy designed to create an outcome of short-term weight loss.

A diet is NOT designed to:

  • Help you cultivate a positive mindset so that you can manage the critical self-talk that impacts your behavior and mood.

  • Give you the tools you need to anticipate and overcome common obstacles.

  • Make you more resilient to stress so that you don't turn to food and/or alcohol to help you cope.

  • Teach you the skills necessary to maintain a healthy weight for your lifetime.

But, the problem here ISN'T dieting.

It isn't YOU either.

👉 The problem is using the wrong strategy for your desired outcome.

Using a diet to develop lifelong healthy eating habits is like using duct tape to fix a leaking pipe.

Sure, duct tape will stop the leak...for a little while.

But I'm pretty sure what you would really want is to fix the leak FOR GOOD, right?

And duct tape simply isn't the right tool to get that job done.

So, what outcome are YOU looking for?

Do you want to "stop the leak" for a little while?

Or do you want to fix it FOR GOOD?


If you want to reach and maintain a healthy weight FOR GOOD,

If you want to feel confident and comfortable in your body,


If you want to live a healthy life WITHOUT:

  • Weighing and measuring everything that enters your mouth

  • Counting macros or calories for the rest of your life

  • Spending your entire Sunday doing meal prep

  • Cutting out your favorite foods

  • Constantly thinking about what you should and shouldn't eat

Then you need to use the right tool for THAT job.

Which. Isn't. Going. To. Be. Another. Diet.

So, before you do another round of Whole30 or start skipping breakfast again,

Stop and ask yourself,

"What do I really want to get out of this?"

Do you just want to drop a few pounds before your next vacation?


Do you want to finally fix your food problem (the one you've been dealing with for as long as you can remember) FOR GOOD?

Because if it's the latter,

Then make sure to get on the waitlist for my brand new 6-week group coaching program "The Empowered Eating Blueprint" which will be launching on September 18th.

Since this is the first time I'm running this program, I'm offering it at a ridiculously low price but THERE WILL ONLY BE 5 SPOTS available to the public.

Putting your name on the waitlist isn't a commitment to join but it does mean that you'll get first dibs once enrollment opens so that you can claim your spot before they fill up.

Join the waitlist HERE.


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